Monday, October 31, 2011

Patriots Pen

        Are you proud of your country? Here are some facts that will have you like this country, but some of these facts might make you dislike some things of this country. The first thing that came to my mind when I had to write about this topic was Barrok O’Bama.

        I believe that Barrok O’Bama may be the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. When he was first elected, I didn’t think that he would be bad. But now his days are coming to an end. I know that he’s going to try to be elected again, but no one will vote for him.

        Some reasons why Barrok O’Bama is so bad, is because he has made this economy stink. I guarantee that O’Bama won’t be elected again, because he has led this country to a bad economy. He also shut down all funding to NASA and canceled all of the flights. Not only has he shut them down, but then he went to the last flight in Florida. He needed to get extra bodyguards to go to the last shuttle launching.

        Some good things about our country are our great cultures, and that we allow any religion/ race in this country. We have helped millions in the Afghanistan war. Another thing that makes us so great is that no matter what part of the country that you are in, we will help fight for you.

        America has also helped hundreds of natural disasters around the world. We have help millions upon millions and still haven’t stopped helping people around the world. All in all, I think that this country is still the best country in the world because we have helped so many people.
        Some of the greatest things that happened for this country, and, some of the worst things that have happened to our country. One of THE WORST things that has happened was 9/11. Many people died that day in the terrorist attack. Many more would have died if the plane that was supposed to hit the pentagon, had hit the pentagon then 9/11  would’ve easily been the worst disaster in history.

        Some of the best things are like when the empire state building was being built, the economy was booming. It was booming, pretty much because of all the immigrants. New York City, was like the promise land. There were many jobs opened. Also in that time many people were trying to get the biggest building in the world. When the Empire State Building was finished, it was the biggest building in the world.

        Those things are what makes this country so great, and those things are what make this country bad. I would rather live in this country, than any other country in the whole entire world. Hopefully soon we will have a good economy. Because when we do have a good economy, we will most likely be the best country in the world. Please post a comment below.

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