Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vietnam, Based Of A true Story

BOOM! Goes a bomb in Vietnam. The whole reason this war started was because north Korea wanted control over south Korea. Thousands lost their lives in that war. And it was all because of north Korea. This story is based off of a man, and a dog in that war. It’s an amazing story mixed with humor, tragedy, and basically a good war story.

In the story the dog, whose name is cracker, lives with a family in a mid-sized apartment. The apartment manager said that the family had to get rid of the dog. The family had raised the dog from day one. The boy of the family wants to keep the dog but he can’t. the family had ran out of time to find another family but the month had ended. They had no other choice. They called the U.S. Army to take Cracker, (the dog). So the son left the house on the weekend because he couldn’t bare seeing Cracker being taken away.

When Cracker was taken away the men brought Cracker to California. There many trainers tried her out, but she kept biting them. Finally the “worst” dog handler got assigned to her. They quickly became friends, and went from the worst dog team to what some said, the best that they have. Then once boot camp was over with the pair went to Nam. Once the two of them got there they had to set up camps and make shelters for the dogs. Then once camp was finished Rick (the handler) and Cracker finally got to go on a mission.

The mission went well, no-one got hurt/ injured and they found quite a bit of traps. Then after doing many regular missions with big groups, and small the pair was assigned a classified mission because the sergeant said they the two were the best of the best. So when they went on the mission, they rescued the P.O.W.’s and returned back safely, then in about one hour they had to go on a regular mission. On that mission they had to check out some huts, but then………

Gun shots started to ring out 2 people were killed and Cracker was gone. Rick wanted to look for Cracker but just couldn’t find her. He had to give up. But he was too busy looking for Cracker to notice he was shot. He had to return to America. And he was waiting for Cracker to be found.

Cracker woke up with a bright light in her eyes. She was on a table, and her legs fell asleep. Once she gained strength, she bolted. She ran as fast as she could but she didn’t know where to go. Then she just ran into the jungle, and didn’t stop until she didn’t hear any voices. She survived for a week, hunting chickens and running, then just when the war ended the men were being sent home but then the sergeant wanted to delay the flight, because he knew something was going to happen.

Then he saw Cracker, and she saw him. They were both with each other until they got back to the U.S. Cracker got back to Rick and they stayed with each other, Willie (the first owner) was able to visit whenever he wanted. And Rick got a medal, a purple heart for surviving the war with an injury and all went well………

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