Friday, March 16, 2012


          Author’s Note: Think about a dark and wet place, where only horrible monsters live. Think about betraying your family and living in tunnels. Also, what if you had to fight twenty feet tall monsters, and giant snakes? But then you find a nice community, then that community shoves you back out into the tunnel. Just think about that, while you read this.

          Our life is just about thinking about, what just happened, what’s going to happen next, and what will happen in the future. Here, there is no thinking, just doing. You’re a fierce hunter with no friends, except a huge cat – a panther.

          You, and your panther are walking in the under dark, quietly, and stealthy. Only sometimes though can your panther be called. It comes from another plane of existence. He needs to heal, to eat, and to rest. You must let him be calm. Because if he is not, then when you get into a fight with a Hook Horror, a fellow Drow or a basilisk. Then you will need help. You panther (Guenevhuar) could be the difference from winning the battle, or losing.

          When you hear noise, a hammer and pickaxe. You must know right away what being it is, Dwarves. They are fiercely known in the Under Dark. The Dwarves stay in their kingdom/ area. And you happen to find yourself in the middle of two-dozen Dwarves. But instead of going with your gut, and slaughtering all of them in a huge mess, you put your fine scimitars down. They take you into their kingdom, then into many tunnels to their king.

          While you are down there, you see a group of high Svfirblin. You remember ten years ago meeting them, a group of them, about sixteen. All were slaughtered, except for one, but whose hands were cut off. The reason that the Svfirblin lived, was because of you, you saved his life. You find out his name is Belwar, and he is the “Most Honored Burrow Warden”

          While you are getting taken care of from him, about twenty-five tendays in, you have to leave the almighty city. You must go out and roam the Under Dark again with only Guenevhuar. So you thought, your friend Belwar surprises you and comes with. You roam the Under Dark, but once you see more Drow, you realize that they are going above ground, and you tag along, from a distance.
          You stay far away until you see sunlight, then you burst through and escape most of the horrors of your past. But now that you’re above ground you have more things to face. Such as goblins, high elves, dragons, and worst of all, the spider queen. Lolth (the spider queen) is the ruler of all dark elves (Drow) and now you must face her, once your ruler now, the person you must fight. You stay away from her though, for now………..

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