Thursday, January 5, 2012

Point of view of a remote control car

Jim (remotecontrol car): Ahhh!! Where am I!?!!?!?
Ipod: Shhhh, the humans will here you!
Jim: (In a whisper) Where am I?
Ipod: You're in a Present
Jim: What am I doing in here?
Ipod: You're going to be opened on Christmas day why of course!
Jim: Really? Whats going to happen on Christmas day?
Ipod: Well, the human kids are going to wake up and open us-
Jim: WHAT!!!!!! I don't want ot be opened!!! Are they like aliens?!??!?!
Ipod: No, no, no, just listen. They're going to open up our box, O.K? Then they will play with us!!! It'll be fun, I promise, but me. It's a different story-
Jim: Why? Whats going to happen to you?
Ipod: Well, they are going to put songs on me-
Jim: Won't it you get crushed?!?!
Ipod: No, what they will do is add songs to me, and then be able to hear the songs on me.
Jim: Oh, well...... That's pretty cool!
Robot: Hey! What are you guys talking about?
Ipod: Jim is new to this I was telling him whats going to happen tomorrow.
Robot: Oh, Cool.
Jim: Where did you come from?
Robot: I just got wrapped by santa, and put under the christmas tree.
Jim: Oh, well what do you doooooo!!!(being picked up) Ahhhh!!! WHATS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Robot and Ipod in unison: SHHHHHHH The humans will hear you!
Jim: (In a whisper) Oh sorry
Girl: Mommy, Daddy!!! Santa came!
Boy: Yeeeaaaah........ Santa came, I mean, YAY Santa came!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy: Cool! A car! Can I drive it outside?
Father: Sure, but come in at about 7:45, which is 15 minutes, O.K?
Boy: Cool! thank you so much!
Jim thinking: Oh my goodness, he's getting a ramp. This is my first time though! Oh no, he's setting me down! Please dont drive me, please dont drive me, please dont drive me.
Noise: VROOOOM!!
Jim: NOOO!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!
Ipod: Oh no, wheres Jim!?!?!?!?
Boy: (sobbing) Dad, my c-c-c-car is b-b-b-broken!! :(
Ipod and Robot: JIM!!! NOOO! He was just a boy!! (both start "sobbing")
Dad: Oh well, we'll ask santa for a new one (wink, wink)
Ipod suddenly turns into the terminator
Ipod: HOW DARE YOU!!!! TAKE THIS HUMANS!!! (Robot turned into a huge robot with rockets)

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