Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saving America

Authors Note: This writing piece is about the book “The Hunger Games”, and how Katniss Everdeen has to fight twenty-two enemies, all trying to kill, or stay away from her and survive. Also for the Cause and Effect, I used the thesaurus to get different word choices.

Katniss Everdeen was thrown into the Hunger Games, and every action has a consequence, or the ability to change everything. After having a hard life to begin with, Katniss had to care for her mother and sister by hunting out in the woods. Because she has to hunt, she is an expert marksman. After her sister, Prim gets picked to go to the Hunger Games, Katniss must volunteer. Because the Capitol did this, Katniss has to train, and many other things.

This is like in the movie Resident Evil: Retribution. In the movie the corporation, Umbrella, makes a new virus called G-Virus, that infects people to make them enhanced zombies that are almost impossible to kill. Only a group of people can help save America from all the zombies. Just like Katniss and Peeta have to survive. The Umbrella Corporation is like the Capitol, and trying to do evil things, like the Hunger Games, or Zombies.

After a lot of dramatic turns in The Hunger Games, the biggest comes. During the Games, an announcement was made that two children could win this year; if they were in the same district. After finding Peeta Mellark, Katniss has to save him from dying, Katniss has to act in love with him. When they have to leave their cave to kill the last contestant, something strange happens.

After getting to the cornucopia and waiting for about half an hour, their opponent, Cato bursts through the trees and brush straight towards them. Katniss draws back with her bow and fires and hits Cato in the chest, which he just pulls out and keeps running at them. Then behind him comes the mutts, Mutated Dogs, enhanced by the evil capitol to almost never die.

Katniss and Peeta get up onto the Cornucopia-barely. After worrying about the mutts, Katniss doesn’t notice that Cato was on the Cornucopia too. Cato and Peeta started wrestling, and Katniss can’t get a good shot. Once she shoots him in the hand, Peeta throws him off and into the crowd of awaiting dogs.
After about four hours, Katniss has mercy and kill Cato, after he had been being mauled by those dogs the whole time. The dogs left and they climbed off. After waiting and thinking about celebrating- when a voice booms over the speakers, “After reviewing our decision, we looked in the rule book, and only one player can win. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!”.

After hearing this, Peeta asks Katniss to kill him, which he will not do. But because Peeta found a berry called Nightlock, that will kill you within one minute of eating. Katniss pulled them out and almost killed themselves. Until the Game Maker yells for them to stop, and they won the game, but now all the Capitol wants to get rid of them, at least Snow does; and he’s the heart of the evil in the Capitol.

In Resident Evil: Retribution, the enhanced zombies that cannot die, are like Katniss’ troubles. The regular zombies are like the contestants in the Games. Where in this case, Katniss and Peeta have to face the other contestants and save themselves.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriots Pen "What Would You Ask?"

         Authors note: I got this idea partly from the "Patriots Pen" from 2011 and I tried to get as much detail, and different choices of words.

   If I had one chance to talk to one of the founding fathers, I would ask them to rethink the idea of “All men are created equal”. Because even though others may have different colored skin, it doesn’t mean that they, or anyone else are less than the other.

            They should have thought about what it was like in the others point of view. If the founding fathers had realized what they were doing was so horrible, it makes you wonder if they would have changed their mind. Imagine if that one decision was different. How it would impact our everyday life.

            The Civil War wouldn’t have happened, and thousands of lives would have been saved. The men and women from Africa may have not come until later in our history, and everything would have changed. If we have not had slaves, then many may have not had a chance to invent the things they invented. Those people would have had most likely been working in the fields, or may have even been dealing with something else.

            In my opinion, all of the slavery should have never happened, what happened was horrible. Because they were different, they were treated bad. This is like everyday life now. There are many examples such as the presidential election of 2012. Both of the runners up are different races, which may or may not affect the way people vote.

            In history tough decisions will have to be made, and many tough ones have already been made. The way things happen in life will always be the same. It’s part of being human, to blame the weaker, or join forces and go against others. We can’t change what happens, or what happened. We just have to live with all of the choices we make.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Among The Hidden
          The shadow child named Luke can finally fight to get freedom. He’s not allowed to go to school, have friends, or do anything social at all. Being a shadow child means that Luke is the third child in his family, which the population police say that is a crime. America is in serious trouble because they are running out of food, and fast. The population police think this can be solved by only having two kids in each family.

          Jen, another shadow child helps Luke and his family fight in the rebellion and help save many other children. The whole rebellion is based on these children because they can’t have normal lives, even though there is still plenty of food. Luke, he is going to light the spark, and make it into a flame-with the help of others.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Conflict/ Resolution

Authors Note: I wrote this essay on the main conflict of Touching Spirit Bear and explaining the conflict and how they fixed it.

            In the book Touching spirit bear there were many conflicts like Cole vs. Person, Person Vs. Self, but the main conflict is Cole trying to recover from being attacked by a bear, but it’s almost impossible because he is by himself, and ripped to nothing. The conflict in the story is Person Vs. Nature, but Cole can’t get back to the island and prove himself, until the end of the story at least.

            In the book you can tell that Cole is having trouble with everything, like getting in fights with kids in school, cheating on a test, or not doing homework. But Cole is also stuck with an alcoholic Mother, and an abusive Father. Even going to get a candy bar he finds a way to get in trouble.

            The conflict was resolved when he was attacked and realized the beauty of nature. Because of his near death experience Cole had to eat grass and animals. He realized how lucky he was, and how he can fix things for himself. He started trying harder, and doing extra things. Everyone noticed he changed so much.

            The main conflict in this story is like the conflict in The Shadow King where Max got attacked by a demon kid named Ray. Then Ray tried to burn Maxes body, but with the help of his friends they got him out of the field. Maxes parents were rich, fought, and got divorced and Max was going through just what Cole was going through.

In the book Touching Spirit Bear, the main conflict is Cole trying to find his place in the world. The book gets there after he gets attacked by a bear. He survived and became a sort of hero to his Mom, so he did find his place in the world.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Essay

The Legend Of Drizzt: The Crystal Shard

Author’s Note: This essay is based off of the series: The Legend of Drizzt. This series was created by R.A. Salvatore. He was a very famous fiction book writer. He was most known by creating the character, “Drizzt”. The books in this series are beautiful, amazingly detailed, and have lots of action. There are twenty-two books in the series and “The Crystal Shard” is book number four.

            “Four friend’s who’s destiny was bound together, they lived in one general area, Icewind Dale.” That was the very first sentence in the book. In the series this was the original first, and then made it the fourth to wrap up some things. The story is where a apprentice wizard killed his master, so that a group that he was with, could steal and run. Then he was betrayed by them, knocked out, and left in a blizzard to die. When Akar Kessel woke up, he was shocked! He thought he was to die, but in another plane of existence, the most evil of devices came, and Akar took hold of it.

            It was the crystal shard. He was scared when it first came down. But when he picked it up, it was warm, so he held it close. Little did he know what was to await him in the future. Personally, I wouldn’t know what to do if that happened to me, I would think to myself that this was a gift from the angels, but it was formed by the most powerful and evil wizards and demons ever known. But when they got the shard together, they were sucked in. Thirsty for blood, the shard was commanding Akar; it was guiding him to evil. A voice in his head said to speak a magic word, and two would come. So he did. He was instructed to put the new one on the ground, say special words, and a crystal tower appeared from the crystal.

            After that happened, Drizzt, Wulfgar, Bruenor, and Regis were under a siege in ten towns. Barbarians had attacked, but were surprised when they found they were ready for them, but barbarians had no fear, and were cut down by two of the ten towns. But that was just 100 barbarians, there were still 2,900 left. So they fled to join with all of Ten-Towns. The towns were huddled around their biggest city, Bryn Shander. Many died that day, which included 2,850 barbarians, and 300 of the people in Ten-Towns.

            All barbarians were killed, except for one, Wulfgar. He was the only spared barbarian, who was taken in by the Dwarf, Bruenor. Wulfgar had survived the Dark Elf Drizzt’s blades; he was only alive because Drizzt had another prey in mind, the king of barbarians. He had sliced the king’s belly open but was held down by several barbarians, and the king was carried away. Drizzt passed out after the fight because he had suffered a head wound from the king, but was able to last for a while until after the fight.

            Meanwhile Akar was building his army of thousands. He had orcs, goblins, and giants. Orcs are these medium sized monsters who knew how to fight, and were very tough. Goblins, well the goblins that were assembled were about 50 tribes, which is about 50,000+. And goblins had tough, hide like skin that wouldn’t get injured by most cuts. Which the barbarians had no problem with because they had hammers, huge axes, and throwing axes. The giants threw huge boulders, and had clubs made out of whole trees. The giants are one of the fiercest known creatures in all of fantasy. The most feared though, would have to be either dragons or demons.  While the massive army that Akar had assembled started marching towards Ten Towns, was ready to die, and win. The army of 75,000+ was happy when none of ten towns was prepared. But the dwarves came and helped the people of ten towns. Soon, the barbarians that wanted to have allies, agreed to help get food, as long as they could have a place in ten towns. Which was very surprising because just five years ago, the barbarians attacked, but were now ready to help?

            I thought it was just to gain their trust and get inside then attacked them, but the treaty was made, and the barbarians never hurt anyone in ten towns. Such turn of events intrigued me and made me see them in a new perspective. And with all of this going on, I was also surprised Drizzt was nowhere to be found……………

            But he was fighting the mighty Demon, with his sword he stole from a Dragon that he had killed, had ice powers, and defeated the Demon easily. His panther helped too to defeat the mighty Demon. They had prevailed and banished the dragon for a hundred years. Drizzt made ground, and with his magical panthers help, found the door inside the second crystal tower Akar had made………….

            Inside Drizzt had gotten past his booby traps and found Akar. He chased him through a magical mirror. But which, that surprised me, is that you could actually go through a mirror and go to the top of a mountain! But when he got there he knew that if he got far down enough and made enough noise, or a large disturbance, then there would be an avalanche. So he went to the bottom of the mountain and already there was an avalanche and Akar’s life had ended; he was buried under five tons of snow.

            Soon the goblins, orcs, and giants started to run away because now their master, leader and general. Everything was out of order, and soon the giants, orcs and goblins were fighting each other. And the goblin tribes not only had to face the other 30 tribes, but had to face orcs, giants, barbarians, dwarves, and the people of ten towns. Thank goodness the barbarians, people of ten towns and the dwarves were on the same side otherwise they would have been doomed. But the goblin’s, orcs, and giants started fleeing, especially the goblin tribes who suffered little to none casualties. They fled to get a head start, and not to die,

            Soon all the goblin’s, orcs, and giants that stayed, were slain. And the people of ten towns had prevailed, but with maximum casualties. It was indeed a very grim day, but with the help of the barbarians, and the warmth of ten towns, the barbarians and the people of ten towns lasted through winter. And now the four friends, Drizzt, Bruenor, Wulfgar, and now Regis were off to find mithral hall, the birthplace and home of Bruenor’s tribe. But Bruenor, Drizzt, and Wulfgar didn’t know there was an assassin after Regis, and that’s basically why Regis had gone with them.

            Now their journey begins, with a veteran assassin on their heels, and them not knowing. They made their way to Luksan to an informant who knows where mithral hall is……………….


Friday, March 16, 2012


          Author’s Note: Think about a dark and wet place, where only horrible monsters live. Think about betraying your family and living in tunnels. Also, what if you had to fight twenty feet tall monsters, and giant snakes? But then you find a nice community, then that community shoves you back out into the tunnel. Just think about that, while you read this.

          Our life is just about thinking about, what just happened, what’s going to happen next, and what will happen in the future. Here, there is no thinking, just doing. You’re a fierce hunter with no friends, except a huge cat – a panther.

          You, and your panther are walking in the under dark, quietly, and stealthy. Only sometimes though can your panther be called. It comes from another plane of existence. He needs to heal, to eat, and to rest. You must let him be calm. Because if he is not, then when you get into a fight with a Hook Horror, a fellow Drow or a basilisk. Then you will need help. You panther (Guenevhuar) could be the difference from winning the battle, or losing.

          When you hear noise, a hammer and pickaxe. You must know right away what being it is, Dwarves. They are fiercely known in the Under Dark. The Dwarves stay in their kingdom/ area. And you happen to find yourself in the middle of two-dozen Dwarves. But instead of going with your gut, and slaughtering all of them in a huge mess, you put your fine scimitars down. They take you into their kingdom, then into many tunnels to their king.

          While you are down there, you see a group of high Svfirblin. You remember ten years ago meeting them, a group of them, about sixteen. All were slaughtered, except for one, but whose hands were cut off. The reason that the Svfirblin lived, was because of you, you saved his life. You find out his name is Belwar, and he is the “Most Honored Burrow Warden”

          While you are getting taken care of from him, about twenty-five tendays in, you have to leave the almighty city. You must go out and roam the Under Dark again with only Guenevhuar. So you thought, your friend Belwar surprises you and comes with. You roam the Under Dark, but once you see more Drow, you realize that they are going above ground, and you tag along, from a distance.
          You stay far away until you see sunlight, then you burst through and escape most of the horrors of your past. But now that you’re above ground you have more things to face. Such as goblins, high elves, dragons, and worst of all, the spider queen. Lolth (the spider queen) is the ruler of all dark elves (Drow) and now you must face her, once your ruler now, the person you must fight. You stay away from her though, for now………..